is a powerful, holistic system of energetic healing from the Merlin lineage, which works solely with divine light and consciousness. It derives its name from a particular divine energy-vortex that is brought in through the heart and which becomes a vehicle for divine presence to manifest healing and transformation. The deep connection to this divine presence is what makes VortexHealing so unique. VortexHealing® bridges in Divine Energy & Consciousness to transform emotional issues and all aspects of the body's energy system, including the physical body. VortexHealing® releases one layer of egoic identity at a time facilitating awakening.
The Philosophy and Goals of VortexHealing® The view of VortexHealing is that all of life is One (One Source, One Consciousness, One Divinity), expressing Itself as this amazing experience of creation. But our basic experience of life is that of being separate from everything else, which creates all kinds of issues and false identities that, over time(and lives), imprint or condition every level of our human system, and generate suffering. This web of this conditioning is almost unimaginably deep, completely distorting our experience of being human. It creates all kinds of emotional issues, mental attitudes, and blockages in our human energy system,which ultimately generates weakness and physical disease. The intent of VortexHealing is to release this conditioning on every level it is found, returning the person to emotional balance and energetic strength, so that health prevails. But the goal of VortexHealing is also much larger than this. It is designed to create enough inner space from the webs of personal conditioning and enough self-awareness so that we can begin to awaken out of our conditioned web of reality to the freedom and Oneness that is our true nature. Although the tools of VortexHealing are designed to generate physical and emotional health (and they do so fantastically), on a deeper level they are designed to facilitate the deepest movement of healing that is possible, which is this kind of inner awakening to our true nature.
“VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of the R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit www.vortexhealing.org
Disclaimer: VortexHealing® is a complementary energetic healing tool. It is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
“Make your heart bigger and align it with the divine. Remember the divine in your heart, like a thread of light. Follow the thread to the source".
Healing Session €50
One hour session via zoom or google meets, 60 minutes of deep focused healing for the biggest issues you face and their causes. VortexHealing® bridges in Divine Energy & Consciousness to transform emotional issues and all aspects of the body's energy system, including the physical body. VortexHealing® releases one layer of egoic identity at a time facilitating awakening. What is Energetic Healing? Read here
“VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of the R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit www.vortexhealing.org
Private Yoga Class €50
One hour session via zoom or google meets. This will be a yoga session tailored to your specific needs
Deep Dive Healing €190 (4 sessions)
This is a series of 4 sessions of 60 minute distance sessions. VortexHealing® bridges in Divine Energy & Consciousness to transform emotional issues and all aspects of the body's energy system, including the physical body. VortexHealing® releases one layer of egoic identity at a time facilitating awakening. What is Energetic Healing? Read here
“VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of the R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit www.vortexhealing.org
The healing sessions really have become one of the highlights of my week. Having that time scheduled in my diary really helps me to take that time out for myself. Like a lot of us my days are spent giving energy to others so these sessions allow me to recharge my batteries. I notice a real
Difference in my energy levels after the sessions and I always have the best nights sleep afterwards!
- Karly
Sunshine's Vortex healing sessions have been really fabulous. Each time with a different theme, I must say some have naturally affected me more than others. There have been many surprises for me and the whole experience of her channelled distance healing via What's App has been extremely powerful. It's something I look forward to and given me the discipline needed for my own vital self care. Thank you so much
Thank you Sunshine for your wednesdays healing sessions It has become a really good healthy routine for me, sometimes surprising, sometimes I feel a very soft and loving energy, sometimes more intense, sometimes I feel just like a reset, but every week it is a living and spiritual experience that is now necessary for my balance and I really apreciate you channeling for us lot of love
- Adeline
Les séances de guérison sont vraiment devenues l'un des moments forts de ma semaine. Avoir ce temps prévu dans mon agenda m'aide vraiment à prendre ce temps pour moi. Comme beaucoup d'entre nous mes journées sont consacrées à donner de l'énergie aux autres donc ces séances me permettent de me ressourcer. je remarque un vrai
Différence dans mes niveaux d'énergie après les séances et j'ai toujours les meilleures nuits de sommeil après !
- Karly
Les séances de guérison Vortex de Sunshine ont été vraiment fabuleuses. Avec à chaque fois un thème différent, je dois dire que certains m'ont naturellement plus marqué que d'autres. Il y a eu de nombreuses surprises pour moi et toute l'expérience de sa guérison à distance canalisée via What's App a été extrêmement puissante. C'est quelque chose que j'attends avec impatience et qui m'a donné la discipline nécessaire pour mes propres soins vitaux. Merci beaucoup
Merci Sunshine pour vos séances de guérison du mercredi C'est devenu une très bonne routine saine pour moi, parfois surprenante, parfois je ressens une énergie très douce et aimante, parfois plus intense, parfois je me sens juste comme une réinitialisation, mais chaque semaine c'est un expérience vivante et spirituelle qui est maintenant nécessaire à mon équilibre et j'apprécie vraiment que vous nous canaliez beaucoup d'amour
- Adeline