Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, also known as "Amma", the hugging saint, across the world, was born in 1953 in Kerala, South India. She is a spiritual leader, humanist, and visionary who has served the global community for decades, offering knowledge, courage, and motivation. Amma has attached herself to millions and motivated countless to follow her path of selfless devotion via her astounding deeds of love, inner strength, and self-sacrifice.
When Mata Amritanandamayi was 9 years old, her mother got unwell, and she was dismissed from school to assist with home chores and the caring of her seven siblings. As she walked door-to-door collecting leftover food from neighbors for her family's cows, she was faced with the extreme poverty and misery that occurred in her town and around the world.
She gave clothes and food from her own house to individuals in need everywhere she went. She was unafraid of the reprimands and punishments she got from her family as a result of her actions. She also started to adopt individuals on the spur of the moment to console them in their grief. They began to refer to her as Amma in response to her tender care (Mother).
Amritanandamayi is the creator and chairperson of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, as well as the creator of Embracing the World which is a worldwide network of regional and local philanthropic organizations and programs that grew out of the India-based humanitarian endeavors of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math. The group's primary focus is on meeting the poor's basic requirements: food, housing, health, schooling, and a means of subsistence. The organizations also operate in disaster relief and environmental protection, as well as research and development of new technologies to assist the poor and needy.
Amrita University is the founder as well as chancellor of Amrita University. Under her leadership, the institution places a major emphasis on research and development to help the ill and underprivileged. The Mata Amtnandamay Math also maintains a scholarship fund that now grants 50,000 scholarships for financially deprived youngsters across India and Embracing the World distributes scholarships outside of India in situations of need.
Mata Amritanandamayi still closes her lectures by embracing everyone in attendance. These personal, one-on-one interactions consume the significant bulk of Amma's time, as opposed to a quick book signing or walk down the rope line. Amma has delivered this motherly hug, called her darshan, to over 40 million people worldwide. She has been known to do darshan for more than 22 hours without a break.
Mata Amritanandamayi, the most personally approachable spiritual teacher living today, may know more people by the first name than anybody else on the planet. When individuals pour their hearts out to Amma, she provides them with emotional comfort, spiritual direction, and pragmatic answers to their issues. Many people are moved to help those in need after receiving Amma's hug. As a result, the powerful and simple gesture of a mother's embrace has served as both a motivator and a metaphor for the burgeoning worldwide group of humanitarian activities known as Embracing the World.