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Yoga as Possible Treatment for ADHD

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Yoga as possible treatment for ADHD

Yoga might be a promising treatment for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most frequent neurological diseases. Psychoactive drug medicine is often used in treatment, although it has serious side effects. Yoga and other alternative therapies are gaining popularity.

People with ADHD struggle to keep concentration, regulate their levels of energy, and regulate their emotions. However, some study indicates that yoga may help persons with the illness.

Yoga is an age-old science. Yoga offers therapeutic options for a variety of disorders that have no negative side impact on health. Yoga treatment includes physical poses (asanas), yogic breathing (Pryma), and meditative practices. These have been demonstrated to enhance numerous physiological processes as well as intellectual areas such as cognitive performance, focus, intellect, memorization, and focus, individually or completely.

Previous research has demonstrated that one or two times in weekly yoga sessions improved concentration and other fundamental signs of ADHD in school-aged kids who were medication-stabilized. A family therapy method for ADHD children in the shape of Sahaj yoga meditations helped parents feel calmer, less worried, and more capable to regulate their children's behavior, hence increasing the value of the connection between children and parents.

Yoga provides several advantages, irrespective of whether a person has ADHD or not. Based on a 2018 research, preschoolers with mostly inattentive ADHD saw a decrease in inattentive signs, a decline in signs of hyperactivity-inattentiveness, and increased concentration when they did yoga 3 or 4 times weekly.

The majority of yoga interventional studies in kids and teens with ADHD showed good benefits for treating ADHD signs. Most of them were two months of school-based activities and learning on meditation therapy, led by a qualified teacher, with one course a week durations ranging from 40 minutes to about 4 hours.

A 2019 study compiled the findings of brain imaging research. The researchers wanted to see if there were any variations in the scanning of persons who did not practice yoga versus those who practiced.

They discovered morphological and chemical enhancements in the hippocampus, which organizes memory and assists in training, the amygdala, which handles feelings, and the prefrontal cortex, which governs cognitive performance, remembering speech, and information in yoga practitioners. These modifications might reflect the psychological health advantages that many perceive after beginning yoga.

In concluding, our results are consistent with prior research suggesting that yoga practice may be used as an additional therapeutic option for kids with ADHD to alleviate attention and inhibitory issues.

Therefore, yoga practice looks promising as a less risky, successful therapy for promoting long-lasting significant functional and cognitive results in ADHD patients.

Based on the positive benefits of yoga practice involvement on several essential ADHD-related mental skills, teachers and parents of children and adolescents with ADHD are encouraged to use yoga practice as an extracurricular or coursework.

While research on yogic applicability to ADHD is encouraging, it's not a substitute for treatment and therapy. As a result, if someone has side effects from stimulants, he or she must consult a doctor.

Read about our Meditation and Pranayama Teacher Training here.


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